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Dr. Gerald LewisDr. Lewis, an international consultant and trainer, has worked with national and international government agencies, healthcare facilities, educational institutions and private businesses on a wide range of work, behavioral health and organizational issues. His focus is facilitating organizational recovery and resiliency with the emphasis on “people-recovery.”

He has authored numerous articles and four books: Critical Incident Stress and Trauma in the Workplace (1994) and Workplace Hostility: Myth & Reality (co-author, 1998) and Organizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor(2006). Resilience in law Enforcement: Peer Support Teams (2013). In addition, he contributed the chapter, "Violence at Work: Causes and Protection" in Psychopathology in the Workplace: Recognition and Adaptation, edited by Thomas, J. and Hersen, M., Bruner-Rutledge, NY, 2004.

In 1986, he established Mental Health Affiliates, a multidisciplinary group practice. He specializes in working with couples experiencing marital issues.

