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Crisis Response

Responding To Traumas, Tragedies and Transitions in the Workplace

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that there are more than 10 million work-related injuries and 7000 work-related deaths each year. The emotional, financial and organizational impact of accidents, deaths, robberies, lay-offs and other crises is far reaching. Often there is not a clear sense of how to respond.

Certain occupational groups are called upon to provide services to victims of crisis, trauma and disaster. Police, fire, EMTs, medical, clergy, mental health, Red Cross, etc. may be referred to as crisis care providers. In recent years, the term "critical incident stress" has been coined to describe the unique type of reaction that may be experienced by these professionals in the performance of their duties (Jeff Mitchell).


Critical Incident StressDr. Lewis wrote one of the first books, Critical Incident Stress and Trauma in the Workplace, (Accelerated Development, Inc., 1994) and has been addressing professional audiences, nationally as well as internationally, on this topic for more than 25 years.
(click here for for a detailed description of the book)

While the training programs are customized to meet the goals of each organization, you may review a general outline by clicking  click here.  

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