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Trauma/Crisis Response

1 - 2 Day Training Programs:
As professionals continue to provide services of greater diversity, there is a growing need for training with respect to trauma/crisis response. Trauma/crisis in the workplace happens each day. Statistics estimate that there are 10 million injuries, 7000 deaths, and between 800-1000+ homicides in the workplace each year. Further, the emotional, financial and organizational impact of accidents, deaths, robberies, lay-offs and other crises is far reaching. Often, there is not a clear sense of how to respond.

Certain occupational groups are called upon to provide services to victims of crisis, trauma and disaster. Police, fire, EMTs, medical, clergy, mental health, Red Cross, etc. may be referred to as crisis care providers. In recent years, the term "critical incident stress" has been coined to describe the unique type of reaction that may be experienced by these professionals in the performance of their duties (Jeff Mitchell).

This 1-2 day workshop will provide a comprehensive, practical and "down to earth" training experience. It is designed to be relevant to participants with varying levels of training and experience. Role-playing, mock debriefings, small and large group discussions, viewing video-tapes and a comprehensive packet of materials will enhance the training program.

The goals of this workshop are to:

  1. Cover and then expand beyond the concept of Critical Incident Stress as it relates to crisis care providers;
  2. Discuss policies, procedures and programs for the management of trauma/crisis in the workplace;
  3. Demystify and clarify appropriate responses and interventions for dealing with crises and trauma in the workplace and community;
  4. Understand the stages and phases of trauma recovery for individuals as well as organizations; and
  5. Provide an interactive and participatory training experience.

This program is designed for mental health, EAP, clergy, public safety, education, and human resource personnel and will cover the following:

This workshop is punctuated with viewing video tapes, small and large group discussions, and (voluntary) role-playing.

It is eligible to receive CEUs and/or PDH educational credits.


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